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uniti-semiahmoo house society - canada

Semiahmoo House Society uproots its financial management with Sage Intacct

The nonprofit, which is part of the Canadian partnership UNITI, embarks on massive modernization with Sage software

Time for a change

As part of the Canadian partnership UNITI, Semiahmoo House Society provides quality services and support to people with disabilities and their families. UNITI recently embarked on its next apartment development, increasing its inclusive housing capacity by 60%. All of these changes added significant complexity to UNITI’s operations, budget, and reporting, creating a catalyst for the finance team to upgrade its accounting and property management systems. After using Sage 300 for 20 years, it was time for a change.

When I first saw Sage Intacct, I just thought, ‘wow, this is a whole other world'.

Ellen Powell
Director of Finance

Delivering more with less

Sage Intacct’s multi-entity capabilities make it painless for UNITI’s finance team to track rent payments, cash receipts, payroll, administrative staffing costs, and other expenses. Allocations are automated across entities or even between hundreds of individual departments or programs, which saves considerable time.

In the social service field, we always want to deliver as much as possible with as little as possible. That’s exactly what Sage Intacct helps us do.

Ellen Powell
Director of Finance

Forecasting the future

Over time, UNITI expects to realize Sage Intacct’s greatest impact from newfound insights. Rather than tediously preparing custom financial statements for every program manager, Sage Intacct’s personalized dashboards support budget accountability by providing better transparency into spending at a granular level.

With Sage Intacct, we have a resource that makes forecasting so much easier and more exact.

Ellen Powell
Director of Finance

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